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- Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander Von Humboldt
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- Marine Ecology Progress Series
- National Geographic
- the Online Access to Research in the Environment
- Protein Information Resource
- Taxonomic Name Resolution Service
- The American Phytopathological Society
- The Information Bridge
- The International Plant Names Index
- A regional perspective on the diversity and conservation of tropical Andean fishes
- the Altitudinal trends in the diatoms, bryophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish of a Nepalese river system.
- la Aplicación de índices bióticos para la evaluación de la calidad del agua de un río Andino Amazónico.
- la Clasificación trófica de insectos acuáticos en ocho quebradas protegidas de la ecorregión cafetera Colombiana
- the Considerations when using the reference condition approach for bioassessment of freshwater ecosystems.
- A Developments In Aquatic Insect Biomonitoring: A Comparative Analysis of Recent Approaches.
- Diets of leaf litter associated invertebrates in three tropical streams.
- Diversidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos y calidad de agua de quebradas abastecedoras del municipio de Manizales. Boletin científico centro de museos.
- the Diversity and habitat preference of aquatic insects along the longitudinal gradient of the Macaé river basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- the Does the river continuum concept apply on a tropical island? Longitudinal variation in a Puerto Rican stream.
- the Effects of canopy, substrate composition, and gradient on the structure of macroinvertebrates communities in Cascade Range streams in Oregon.
- Effects of deforestation on macroinvertebrate diversity and assemblage structure in Ecuadorian Amazon streams. Arch.
- Feeding ecology of stream invertebrates.
- the Fluvial landscape ecology: Addressing uniqueness within the river discontinuum.
- a Global distribution of a key trophic guild contrasts with common latitudinal diversity patterns.
- the How altitudinal gradient affects the diversity and composition of benthic insects in arid areas streams of northern East Algeria?
- Interbiome comparison of stream ecosystem dynamics.
- a Longitudinal and altitudinal changes of macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups in neotropical streams: a test of the River Continuum Concept.
- Longitudinal and seasonal changes in functional organization of macroinvertebrate communities in four Oregon streams.
- Los macroinvertebrados como bioindicadores de la calidad del agua: cuatro décadas de desarrollo en Colombia y Latinoamérica.
- a Mountain weather and climate: a general overview and a focus on climatic change in the Alps.
- Network dynamics hypothesis: Spatial and temporal organization of physical heterogeneity in rivers.
- Riverine landscape diversity
- The Stream biodiversity: The ghost of land use past.
- the Structure and diversity of stream macroinvertebrates assemblages: the effect of temperature with altitude and latitude.
- The multihabitat approach of USEPA's rapid bioassessment protocols: benthic macroinvertebrates.
- The nature and value of ecosystem services: an overview highlighting hydrologic services.
- The river continuum concept: A basis for the expected behavior of very large rivers? In: D.P. Dodge (ed.), Proceedings of the International Large River Symposium.
- The role of environmental and mid-domain effect on moth species richness along a tropical elevational gradient.
- The role of macroinvertebrates in stream ecosystem function
- The use of invertebrate functional groups to characterize ecosystem attributes in selected streams and rivers in south Brazil.
- Trophic relations of aquatic insects.
- Which group is best? Attributes of different biological assemblages used in freshwater biomonitoring programs.